Final Piece
For my final piece in this project I have displayed my strongest final images as prints and I have also displayed more images on peices of broken mirror. The presentation of the images on the four pieces of the broken mirror show the idea of Man vs Nature through the images, as each of the images that have been displayed on the mirror are reflections of the industry created by man in the sea water and the waves. This illustrates how humans have left their mark all over nature and the environment, the fact that this is shown through the reflection of the water makes the idea more metaphorical and therefore more meaningful as the industrial buildings are not actually in the sea but the images show the reflection of them in the sea and portray how the industry has had an impact on the environment. More specifically, how the industry has effected the sea, such as the sea levels rising and the pollution/litter being washed up which all leads back to humans actions.
Furthermore, the fact that these images are presented on the mirrors enanced the idea of the reflections throughout the whole project and links in with previous shoots were mirrors have been used as the reflectors. Byusing the mirrors, I think that it is a nice way to end the project as I have gone one step further, instead of just photographing the reflections, I have printed onto one. As well as this, the boken pieces of mirror that I have printed on are evenmore symbolic as they portray the idea of man breaking up and destroying nature, just as the mirror has been distroyed and is now in different parts.
Example of Mirror Prints:

As well as printing onto these peices of mirror, I am also going to have further final images which will be my strongest imgaes from my project and these will be printed to be displayed along with my mirrored images. These images will reflect the quality of my best images and the detail will be shown through the prints.