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Shoot 7

This is all of the images from my seventh shoot, i took these images in a woodland park in Darlington, and some of the images where taking in an actual childrens park. I took these images on a Nikon D3100 camera and used the manual setting to create all of the different techniques. Throughout the shoot, i experimented with slow shutter speed to create the effects of the movement throughout the images, i used different shutter spees throughtout the shoot to shoot the different way of the movement. The faster shutter speed showed more of the blurred movement whereas the slower shutterspeed created the effect of the idea that there is more than one person in the image. I think that this shoot was successful as the shutterspeeds gave the images more quality and showed the movement, also the lighting of the area complimented the images in which i had taken. If I was to do this shoot again I would take mre images in a variey of more setting to give more of a variation.

I think that this image is successful as it shows my experimentation with the shutterspeed, i like the way that the camera has captured the model so that it looks like there is two of the same person,this links in with the idea of distorted memories which illustrates that the person who's memory it is cannot remember how many people there were and so by the model being in the image twice, one version being more faded than the other, shows how the memory is faded. I think that the contrast of black and white compliments the background of the image as the trees and the grass look a lot sharper than they did in colour.

This image was taken in a woddland in Darlington and the effect was created by altering the shutter speed to sloe on the camera setting and making the model run towards the camera in a straight line so that we can see the movement and this creates a distorted effect which links in with the idea od distorted memories and so the increasing size of the model illustrates that the person cannot remember whether the person in the image is old (hence the model being bigger in the image as she gets closer to the camera) or young (the model being smallwr the further away from the camera she is). This image was shooted with natural lighting and so there was no shadows in the foreground og the image. The angle of view allows the model and the background to be seen in the image which enhances the composition.

In this image, I have manipulated the colours to make the image look a lot different to the original. I have make the colours more dull that the original and i have added noise to the image to create the effect that it was taken on a film ratehr than digitally. By adding noise I think that it enhances the effect of the movement of the models face and completely distorts any facial features. The location of the image creates the idea that the model is lost in the woods and this reflects a bad memory in which someone cannot remember everything, hence the distortion of the models face.

I this that this image is successful because the shutterspeed allows a lot of movement to be seen, created by the model. The idea of this image relates back to childhood memories when going to the park with parents at a young age, however most people do not remember what they look like as a child without looking back at childhood photographs, and so this image represents the idea of people not remembering their appearance as a child. Furthermore, this image contrasts as the colours of the image are black and white, there is also a contrast between the sharp focus of the background and the blurred movement of the model. Also, the image creates a tense atmosphere as the viewer cannot actaully see what the model in the image looks like, which links to the idea of the fear of the unknown.

I like this image because of the way that the objects in the image has been split up into sections. For example, when looking at the foreground of the image, we can see the model in which i have used slow shutterspeed to create movement and distort her body so that no facial features can be seen, the idea of this is that it illustrates dstorted memories, as it shows a person looking back on old memories, in which the blurred parts created by the shutter speed illustrates the part of the memory in which the person cannot remember. I like the compostion of the image because of the background which makes the image look more professional and planned out with the green trees and the grass looking attractive and the models movement contrasting as it makes the image eerie.

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