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Matt Wisniewski

Wisniewski is a 21 year old computer science student who is based in New York who, unlike other photographers, creates his art work because it looks pretty – not to make a statement. By experimenting, he came up with the combination by overlapping portraits with organic patterns such as flowers, stretching as far as mountains which he then manipulates on Photoshop to make it look like one, unique and peculiar image. He does not actually take most of the images himself, but experiments with images from Tumblr and other online portfolios which he then turns this into his own work.

This example of Wisniewski’s work inspired me because of the way that he has manipulated the portrait and landscape together could link in with my theme, that the faded image of the building in the background could be a thought or memory of the model influencing the brief of ‘beneath the surface’. The brightness of the manipulated image allows the building in the backdrop to come through darker influencing that it is dominating the models thoughts. Even though Wisniewski’s work is not created to have a statement or purpose but just to look nice, by interpreting this about this particular image it allows his work to link in with my theme and means that the genre he uses can be used in my own work. Within this piece of work, there is a wide range of field, however the main point of focus is where the models eyes are supposed to be.

This image of Matt Wisniewski’s illustrates the use of overlay which I am going to use in my image manipulations. This image links into my theme of memories as the models facial expression portrays the idea that the memories are negative and the  rocks substituted into the body illustrates him trying to block these memories out. The vibrancy of this image is very basic as the image has been manipulated to black and white, this gives the image a negative mood. Also, the focus of the image is the models facial expression and this is what Matt Wisniewski has tried to illustrate.

This example of Matt Wisniewski’s work also links in with the theme of beneath the surface as the layer of flowers has been manipulated to blend in underneath the models body. It also links in with my idea of memories as the layer of flowers could represent the models memories of a certain place with these type of flowers, maybe a childhood memory ect. The main focus of this image is also the models facial expression which is confused. The atmosphere of this image is quite positive as the vibrancy is very bright and the flowers bring out a good mood in the image. The lighting of the image also makes the viewer focus on one side of the models face as the other half is slightly faded.

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